Chapter One :Chapter 1

Seated on an excessively ornate sofa, she was sipping bourbon from a glass next to the crackling fireplace, the lack of light in the room and fire being the only source of light made her look like the Angel of Death. One of her hands was unconsciously stroking her gun placed in her black trousers, fully loaded while her other hand was holding the fragile glass between her fingers.

‘He will be here soon,’ she thought.

Right at that moment, heavy footsteps rang through the silent mansion, and after a long wait, a short man with a scar on his face appeared in the living room. Diamond watched him freeze as soon as their gaze met, his eyes filled with fear. He looked around to check if he has the chance to run but luck was not on his side. After a while of accepting his fate, the man sighed and walked a few steps into the room hesitantly.

"El mito, la leyenda... el diamante. Es un honor. Siempre he oído historias sobre ti, pero nunca te había visto en person. ¿Es verdad que mataste a tres hombres con un cuchillo de mantequilla?"

"The myth, the legend... the Diamond. I'm so honoured. I had heard so many stories about you but never had I seen you in person. Is it true that you killed three men with a butter knife?"

She just stared at him with a neutral mask on her face not responding to any of his questions, even though all she wanted to do was cut him open and strangle him with his own guts.

Hmm…that would be a pretty site.

While saying this, the man sneakily summoned his bodyguards by pressing a small button on his digital watch, and they all ran to the living room as soon as they received the signal from their boss.

They all entered together and got startled just like their boss when they saw a fragile woman sitting like a queen in the middle of the living room, on signal three robust men walked towards her at a slow pace while one stayed with the target to protect him. They thought that they could handle her.

Diamond gulped down the rest of the drink, stood up and sighed.

This was all just a waste of time, the result is still going to be the same.

Them on the floor, drenched in their own blood and her leaving without any single scratch on her body.

The trick with fighting multiple assailants was to avoid fighting them all at the same time. Unlike in the movies, attackers don't wait in line to kick your ass, they want to pounce all at once like a pack of wolves so that they can eliminate the target as soon as possible.

The men danced in a semicircle around her until the guy closest to her was in the way of the other two. It only took a second for them to run around their buddy, but that was enough time for her to snap a solid kick to his groin, grab her gun and shoot him in the head. The thick mass of muscle doubled over and his buddies took precedence.

She swiftly moved around to the other side of the dead man, making the others fall back into a line to get around him. She swept the injured guy's feet, and he came crashing down on wife-beater number two. The remaining one pounced on her and they rolled on the ground in a grapple for the top position.

She ended up at the bottom. He outweighed her by a hundred pounds, but this was a position she had practised fighting from over and over.

Men tend to fight differently with a woman than they do with men. The overwhelming majority of fights between men and women start with the men attacking from behind and almost instantly ending on the ground with the woman on the bottom. So, a good female fighter needs to know how to fight on her back.

As they struggled, she wriggled her leg out from under him for leverage. Braced, and then tipped him over to one side with a twist of her hip. Now the tricky part was done.

He flipped onto his back. Before he could get his bearings again, she slammed her boot down on his groin making him curse and groan in pain.

The Diamond was up in a flash, she grabbed the man's face and twisted with such force that his neck broke with a crack. One of the fallen men was groaning in pain and trying to get up. She grabbed her gun and shot him in the head.

‘Much better,’ she thought.

Her target had left the room but Diamond still heard his quick footsteps trying to run away from his fate. He wasn't going to leave that easily. She calmly walked to the front door, where she found him trying to open it with his trembling hands.

‘Aww…he wants to leave.’ A voice echoed in her head and she smirked.

The last of the four bodyguards were in front of her target, protecting his back. She aimed for the guard's head and bullseye. The huge man fell with a thud on the floor.

What a waste of muscle, protein and…space!

The door opened but Diamond shot his leg before her target could start running. She slowly walked towards him like a predator while her gaze was fixed on his bleeding leg, she had the urge to plunge a knife into his wound and make him scream in pain like there was no tomorrow.


For him, tomorrow doesn’t exist, so she thought it was okay to make him scream a bit. She was about to put her thoughts into action when he said, “Mi padre es Alwar Navar. Si me Matas mi padre-"

My father is Alwar Navar. If you kill me, my father will never-"

She shot him in the head before he could even complete the sentence. She didn't have time for this bullshit.

That’s Diamond for you, no bullshit, no hanky panky and definitely, don’t like to waste her time.

They call her diamond, hardest, shiny, and not easy to trace or break.

Not only the cops but the people from the underworld are looking for her too, but no one knows her real name or her background except that she never leaves any trace behind.

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